To Forgive or Not To Forgive

To Forgive or Not To Forgive was originally published on the Radius Church blog on November 16, 2016. That’s the question some of us are faced with on a constant basis. Just to get this out of the way early on, Jesus was REALLY serious about forgiveness. Forgiveness is essential. Forgiveness is love. Forgiveness is […]

Lost and Found

Lost and Found was originally posted on the Radius Church Blog on November 9, 2016. In the Summer of 1999, Stephanie and I were camp counselors. Once every two weeks the camp took a field trip to a theme park. One particular trip was to Disney World. We were excited to get to hang out together […]

The Opposite of Fear

The Opposite of Fear was originally posted on the Radius Church Blog on October 26, 2016. What do you fear? Cockroaches? Yuck. Spiders? Kinda. Clowns? Definitely. The election? A little bit. Rough seas while on some cheap “all natural” Dramamine? Oh yeah! Rejection? Ridicule? Confrontation? Yes x 3 = Me But the Bible says, Jesus […]

Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn was originally posted on the Radius Church Blog. I’m imagining what it must have been like for Joseph. Here he is leading his family to the town of his ancestors, his pregnant wife is about to give birth. I can imagine him leading the donkey along the path to Bethlehem. Mary is sitting on […]

Dark Times

  Dark Times was originally posted on the Radius Church blog. We live in a fast food society. When we want food, we get food. If we have to wait for it longer than we expect, we’ve got problems. In fact, some companies even promise free food if they can’t deliver in the promised time-frame. […]

Know Yourself

  To know God is to know yourself. When I went of to college, I entered a whole new realm. It would be the first time I’d been away from home for more than a couple of months. It would be the first time I really had to take care of myself. No parents. No […]

UX Boot Camp: Day 4

We made it. 4 days complete. Design done. Pitches pitched. Certificates certified. Day 4 flew by. Usually, when I sit through a training class, I look forward to its completion so I can move on with my life. While I am excited to get home, see my family, and try to put what I have […]

UX Boot Camp: Day 3

4:30am. I slept until 4:30am, and I felt pretty good about that considering what happened the last two mornings. Day 3 of the UX Boot Camp at CooperU was all about Exploration and Design Framework. We started the day working on our scenarios. In this exercise, we took our persona and walked her through a […]

UX Boot Camp: Day 2

I thought for sure after day 1 of the CooperU UX Boot Camp  I would get a good night sleep, but alas, I was awake at 3:30am, and unable to fall back to sleep. So by the time I arrived at Cooper Headquarters this morning I had already been up for 5 hours, listened to […]

UX Boot Camp: Day 1

This week, I am in San Fransisco, CA. I am taking part in a user experience boot camp through Cooper U. I’ve been looking forward to this for weeks and thought I should blog my experience to help me share the information with my company when I get back and so I can refer back […]

A Career in flUX

If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time, you have seen my thoughts on corporate america fluctuate as my career has progressed. When I was laid off in mid-2014, I swore I would never go back. But, five months later, I found myself back in an office. Looking back over the last few […]

The Waiting Dead

180 minutes. That’s what the sign said above the new ride at the amusement park. 3 hours! And people kept getting in line. “Well, it’s what we came here to do.” We said. We got in line and waited. We looked around at all the people. We waited. We studied the architecture of the exterior […]

Cubicle Required?

I’m at that point now; that point when I’ve collected my last severance check and the financial faucet has been turned off. I still have money coming in from a few other sources, but it won’t be enough to sustain us for very long. I thought I would be further along with finding other opportunities. […]

It’s not my thing

First off, be careful what you pray for. I prayed that God would give me the opportunity to write, and now I am writing more than I have ever written. I’m writing multiple blog posts a day for multiple people/organizations. I’ve got more to write than I have time to write. And so far, I’m […]